I went to the Devils Circuit 2024

avs sridhar
4 min readNov 30, 2024


Sunday mornings for a corporate employee are usually about preparing for the week ahead. But for me, working for the past three years has taught me the importance of making every weekend count. I’ve always sought new and exciting experiences, and this thought process led me to register for Asia’s biggest obstacle race — Devil’s Circuit.

One of my colleagues had recommended it to me, and since I love anything that triggers my adrenaline and dopamine, I registered without giving it a second thought.

What is Devil’s Circuit?

Devil’s Circuit is a thrilling 5-kilometer obstacle race featuring a series of challenges ranging from moderate to tough. The race tests not just your physical fitness but also your mental grit and determination. You can check out the obstacles on their official website (trust me, they’re worth a look!).

The Preparation

I didn’t have a specific plan in mind when I signed up — I just wanted to be generally fit and test my limits. However, two months before the race, I decided to step up my game. I hired a personal trainer and committed to lifting weights four times a week. I also cycled regularly, almost four times a week, and tried my best to stick to a healthy diet (although I’d say I only partially succeeded).

The Participants

This is no ordinary marathon. I expected to see a crowd of fitness enthusiasts, and I wasn’t disappointed. Participants came from all walks of life and varying age groups, all united by their passion for fitness.

What inspired me the most was seeing people who clearly have hectic schedules still manage to include fitness in their daily lives. It reminded me that workouts become much simpler when you turn them into a habit.

The Race Experience

To be honest, I was quite underconfident about tackling most of the obstacles. But here’s the cliché part: you really have to tell yourself, “I can do this.”

Many obstacles overwhelmed me at first — I gave up on a few and started walking towards the next one. But the guilt got to me. I couldn’t just give up, so I turned around, pushed myself harder, and completed them.

One of my biggest fears is water, and unfortunately, five of the obstacles involved it. My adrenaline was at an all-time high when I had to jump into the water at one point. Summoning every ounce of courage, I did it — but I ended up losing my spectacles in the process! The rest of the race was quite literally a blur as I tackled obstacles with diminished eyesight.

The Highlight: The Brain Freeze

The final obstacle was the most thrilling — a slide into a pool of ice-cold water at -2°C. The moment I hit the water, my brain froze for a few seconds. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, but the rush was indescribable. After regaining my senses, I walked to the end of the pool, where I was handed my medal.


Overall, it was a crazy, unforgettable experience. The race pushed me beyond my comfort zone and proved that I’m capable of more than I thought. I’ve promised myself that I’ll return next year, but this time with an even better physique and fitness level.

If you’re someone who loves a challenge, I highly recommend giving Devil’s Circuit a shot. It’s not just a race — it’s a journey of self-discovery and triumph.


Since I absolutely love AI, I decided to use it for this article. Instead of typing everything out, I simply recorded a voice note on an AI app, describing exactly what I wanted to write. The app generated the transcript for me, and with minimal editing, I was able to finish this article in just 15 minutes.

AI truly makes life easier, doesn’t it? 😊

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